Vehicle been towed? Use our online inventory database to find the exact location of your vehicle.
Cornish Wrecker Services understands that having your car towed is an unpleasant experience. That's why we want to make it as easy as possible for you to locate and redeem your vehicle. As a result, we maintain an online inventory database that will assist in locating and redeeming your vehicle. Click on the link below to search the facility's inventory for information on your vehicle.
Before Searching Inventory:
Costs shown are only an estimate. The prices shown reflect the estimated costs to retrieve the vehicle from impound and should only be used as a reference. The price quoted from our customer service representatives IS the cost which has to be paid to retrieve the vehicle from impound.
By using this service, you agree to this disclaimer.
Costs shown reflects the rate between 8:00am and 5:00pm (local).
Search Our Database
If we have towed your vehicle due to an accident, a police tow, or improper parking, we will gladly help you recover your car as quickly and inexpensively as possible. As always, there is a little paperwork involved. Take note of these things you will need when recovering a vehicle:
The vehicle owner or his / her authorized representative may obtain possession of the vehicle at any time upon payment of all fees due, presentation of a valid identification (Texas drivers license or other state or federally issued photo identification), and upon presentation of:
- A notarized power-of-attorney
- A court order
- A certificate of title
- A tax collector’s receipt and a vehicle registration renewal card accompanied by a confirming indentification
- Notarized proof of loss of theft from an insurance company to show a right to possession
- Positive name and address information corresponding to that contained in the files of the department’s Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
- A department-approved Affidavit of Right of Possession and Control, as defined in 18.82 of the subchapter, which is to be furnished by the Licensee upon request (an Afidavit of Right of Possession and Control is not to be used as a repossession instrument)
- Valid insurance card (when required by a police department)